Ground Floor, South Block, Bradenham Hall, 7 Mellis Road, Rivonia, 2128 • P O Box 837, Gallo Manor, 2052
Website. • Email. • Telephone. 086 11 78378 • Fax. 086 648 7683
This is a comprehensive table of all the services we offer. Services are charged on a pay-per-use basis, however, if you require bulk access to any of our services then please contact us about a customised solution.
In order to use our services you first need to purchase Legal Credits which may then be exchanged for access to our services, click here to find out more.
Legal City's Debtor Manager is a web-based application that helps you manage your debt collection process and eliminates the emotional and often confrontational aspect of this type of work. There is no limit to the number of debtors and debtor accounts you can capture and you have full access to all of Legal City's services.
Please Note
Due to technical reasons beyond our control, services may become unavailable from time-to-time. In addition, we reserve the right to modify, suspend or discontinue any service at any time without prior notice.
The contents of Legal City does not constitute financial, legal or tax advice, nor does it reflect the views of our management, staff, shareholders, associates, contributors, authors or suppliers.
Even though every endeavour has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided we cannot be held responsible for any errors and/or omissions.
By using this web site you agree to accept and abide by our terms and conditions.